A year ago and XTech '08
A year ago, Peter talked on behalf of Quakr at O'Reilly Where 2.0 conference in San Jose, California. Some pictures were taken, and we talked about it here. The talk has now appeared on four sites as an Audio file:
1) itc (check out that angry face!)
2) earideas
3) podfeed
4) mefeedia
We're kind of expecting it to be in video format sometime, but we'll see.
We've all got too busy in our normal lives, or broken our leg, or doing too much generally so we are NOT going to be attending XTech this year - after being accepted. It's a pisser, but sometimes it happens that way.
We haven't done very much to the Viewr or the Taggr in recent months, and do not have any kind of list of urgent fixes to make.