5 Mar 2007

related or relevant, 03/07

- Nokia phone with tilt/accelerometers

- Quakr to talk at SWIG

- new Quakr Viewr "home"

-- more --

- Geograph - claim your map square by taking a picture! Rival project?
- They have a lat/long to other convertor...
- And on upload ask what direction the photograph was taken, where the photgrapher was and where the main subject of the photograph was (surely one of these three could be implied?)
- and I noticed that Flickr "Place this photo on a map" link takes you to a page with a map and the text... "We've put the photo into the Findr for you (below). All you have to do now is drag it onto the map!"

-- more --

- GoogleMaps - "Photos on Google Maps"... well kind of...

-- more --

- Nokia Imaging Zone...

- Nokia - smart phones save lives?

- possible Quakr card?

- "Geowanking" discussing the geo:alt measurement problem...

-- more - post SWIG --

- Goniometer... an angle measurement device.

- Oxford Metrics Group - The Group trades through three operating subsidiaries – Vicon, the world’s biggest motion capture and movement analysis company, 2d3, a manufacturer of specialised image understanding software for entertainment and defence applications and Geospatial Vision, our 3D mapping business.

- A second gig at the Oxford Geek Night

- image analogies

- photsynth now in firefox...

-- more --

- Google's sketchup used to make oxford


barryhunter said...

> - Geograph - claim your map square
> by taking a picture! Rival project?

Rivel? No need to be, you can use our content if you want! All creative commons licensed. We provide images, you do some interesting stuff with it!

We have an API to get picture information, not sure if all the location information is available, easily rectified if you want it :)

If you where to reuse content could also be insipriation to encourage our users to upload more accurate data.

> (surely one of these three could be implied?)
Yes, you enter the two locations, and the view direction is automatically calculated. Its editable for when people don't provide exact locations and/or it needs slight tweaking.

Let us know what you think!

Anyway quakr looks a very interesting project, will be keeping an eye out! I've long wanted to try something like this with out data in Google Earth.

Geograph Developer

Unknown said...

Hey Barry.

Thanks for the comments, we are looking a bit busy for the next month or so, but after that, may well be in touch to discuss using your data in the "Viewr".

Katie Portwin said...

Hey Barry,

I love Geograph. It sounds like you are trying to achieve the same thing as us - show "what it is like" to be at a place.

We would like to show your data in quakr if we can. I have some questions:

1. Where are the docs for your XML API? Are you supporting real time HTTP interface (REST or similar)? Apologies if I'm being blind but I could not find them here.

2. I browsed down to a single grid reference (this one). How can I get at more granular geolocation data? (We need fairly accurate coordinates for photos which are nearby to make much sense in quakr - eg see: Broad Street, in Quakr).

3. Great to hear that you are interested in compass direction. Are you thinking of capturing any other location metadata - eg altitude, tilt, etc?
