30 Mar 2007

Nice Banners

Quakr front page had a bit of a face lift at the weekend. It now links directly to a current release version of the Viewr and notes some news which may be of interest. Hope you like it.

Meanwhile, we've been furiously writing up the talk we gave to SWIG in order to present it to XTech as a paper. The deadline is next week so ... we've got ages!

Those nice business cards arrived safe and sound so we'll be palming them off on all and sundry over the coming weeks and months. And we've also been beavering away at a bunch of things we thought were wrong with the most recent incarnation of the Viewr. Expect a release soonish...

16 Mar 2007

and suddenly a card appeared

Quakr - the business card

Soon you'll get the opportunity to own one of these lovely things in reality. Aren't you lucky. And if you click through to the people who are making them for us, Vista, you'll get 25% off.

15 Mar 2007

A 2nd gig to follow SWIG

Quakr is most proud to announce that it managed to stand up in front of the uber geeks that are SWIG and make their *thing* make sense. The 20 allocated minutes were split into three basic parts - an intro, a demo and a SWIG specific ending. This seemed to work. We're thinking that the article for XTech may well follow these lines.

If you were there and want a recap, or weren't and want to know what we said, http://www.quakr.net/~katie/SWIG has all the links we used. It doesn't have a copy of the words we said, but hopefully it covers the gist of the talk.

On the back of what seemed to us to be a well received talk and post-talk-public-house discussion, we've got a second "gig". This time it's locally run Oxford Geek Night to be held on the 11th April. See you there!

5 Mar 2007

related or relevant, 03/07

- Nokia phone with tilt/accelerometers

- Quakr to talk at SWIG

- new Quakr Viewr "home"

-- more --

- Geograph - claim your map square by taking a picture! Rival project?
- They have a lat/long to other convertor...
- And on upload ask what direction the photograph was taken, where the photgrapher was and where the main subject of the photograph was (surely one of these three could be implied?)
- and I noticed that Flickr "Place this photo on a map" link takes you to a page with a map and the text... "We've put the photo into the Findr for you (below). All you have to do now is drag it onto the map!"

-- more --

- GoogleMaps - "Photos on Google Maps"... well kind of...

-- more --

- Nokia Imaging Zone...

- Nokia - smart phones save lives?

- possible Quakr card?

- "Geowanking" discussing the geo:alt measurement problem...

-- more - post SWIG --

- Goniometer... an angle measurement device.

- Oxford Metrics Group - The Group trades through three operating subsidiaries – Vicon, the world’s biggest motion capture and movement analysis company, 2d3, a manufacturer of specialised image understanding software for entertainment and defence applications and Geospatial Vision, our 3D mapping business.

- A second gig at the Oxford Geek Night

- image analogies

- photsynth now in firefox...

-- more --

- Google's sketchup used to make oxford